Warten Roaming Route
This route takes you through De Alde Feanen National Park, across De Burd island and past several interesting wetland villages. It will come as no surprise that this route includes several short ferry crossings. Sailing times and periods when services run are subject to change. Check with the VVV tourist office in Grou or Earnewâld to make sure you have the right information.
The village of Warten grew up on the banks of the narrow It Alddjip river, whi…
This route takes you through De Alde Feanen National Park, across De Burd island and past several interesting wetland villages. It will come as no surprise that this route includes several short ferry crossings. Sailing times and periods when services run are subject to change. Check with the VVV tourist office in Grou or Earnewâld to make sure you have the right information.
The village of Warten grew up on the banks of the narrow It Alddjip river, which at one time flowed into the former Middelzee estuary. A stretch of this river still runs along the northeast side of the village. Though there were mound settlements here before the year 1000, Warten remained isolated until the beginning of the 19th century. The local people were reliant on waterways for transport. The first road links were built in around 1865. The main sources of livelihood were livestock farming, shipping, fishing and peat cutting.
To the south of Warten lies De Alde Feanen National Park. You can explore the park by boat from Warten. Traces of peat pits and narrow strips of land created by the small-scale peat cutting done in Friesland in the first half of the 18th century make for a spectacular landscape. Large-scale peat extraction from the middle of the 18th century to the 19th century led to the formation of lakes with narrow strips of land, most of which later collapsed. Saiterpetten lake is a typical example. Warten has a long-standing reputation as a village that specialises in shipping. This accounts for the various shipyards, yacht brokers and boat hire companies you see here.
Sights on this route
Starting point:
Waypoint bike 32
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Waypoint bike 32
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Wartena (Warten)
Het centraal in Friesland gelegen watersport dorp Warten ligt in de onmiddellijke nabijheid van een van de mooiste natuur- en recreatiegebieden van Friesland, namelijk Nationaal Park De Alde Feanen. Museum Warten is ook zeker een bezoek waard!

Wergea (Warga)
Wargea een bruisend en pittoresk terpdorp in het hart van Friesland. Ontdek de rijke geschiedenis en breng een bezoek aan Museum 't Ald Slot en de theaterkerk de Bidler. Geniet van de gastvrijheid van de horecagelegenheden die het dorp te bieden heeft.

Grou is a touristy yet characteristic watersports village in the heart of Friesland with a lively center.

Veerpont De Burd (Grouw Yne Lyte)
-De pont vaart op feestdagen volgens de zondagsdienstregeling. -De Burd is een eiland. Er is geen doorgaand verkeer mogelijk, behalve in de zomer voor fietsers.

Veerpont De Snoekcbaers (De Burd)
-Groepen kunnen tijdens het vaarseizoen op afspraak het pontje buiten de reguliere vaartijden reserveren: 06 2917 4926

Alde Feanen - Romsicht - Uitkijktoren
13 meter hoge uitkijktoren in de Alde Feanen

Alde Feanen - Romsicht - Uitkijktoren
Alde Feanen - Romsicht - Uitkijktoren
9216 Oudega Gem Smallingerlnd
National Park 'De Alde Feanen'
National Park De Alde Feanen is an enchanting gem waiting to be discovered. As soon as you immerse yourself in this lush nature reserve in Friesland, you'll feel an immediate connection to the untouched beauty around you.

National Park 'De Alde Feanen'
National Park 'De Alde Feanen'
Informatiepunt de Alde Feanen
Wiidswei 32
9264 TM Earnewâld
Jan Durkspolder
Jan Durkspolder is a wetland reserve that is part of De Alde Feanen National Park. The area is a haven for many species of foraging and migrating birds.

Informatiepunt de Alde Feanen
De Alde Feanen is één van de grootste moerasgebieden in West Europa en kent een grote afwisseling aan landschappen. Met veel water, rietlanden en een grote diversiteit aan dieren en planten.

Pettebosk Forest Playground
Pettebosk is a place where children of all ages can go on a nature adventure. Practice survival skills, play nature games and discover the secrets of the forest! At this miniature version of the De Alde Feanen National Park,...

It Wikelslân Nature Reserve at De Alde Feanen National Park
If you like the idea of walking in a swamp forest, a 3 or 5-kilometre walk through this remarkable part of the De Alde Feanen National Park will lead you on a fascinating journey of discovery.

It Wikelslân Nature Reserve at De Alde Feanen National Park
It Wikelslân Nature Reserve at De Alde Feanen National Park
It Wikelslân
Dominee Bolleman - van der Veenweg
9264 Earnewald
End point:
Waypoint bike 32
Navigate to endpoint
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